• Focus

    I’ve heard it said that when you get really good at something, everything starts to slow down. You start to go through the process, and you can see things happening and anticipate and react without being hurried or getting anxious. It’s that way with sports and hobbies and even maybe part of your job. Some…

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  • Don’t Quit, Just Change

    Don’t Quit, Just Change

    Have you ever been tempted to quit? You’ve just had enough. You just want to throw your hands up and throw in the towel. Well, there’s an old country song by Johnny Paycheck. You might have heard it, and it would fit the way you might feel sometimes. It’s titled "Take This Job and Shove…

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  • Jealousy


    Do you ever see what someone else has and wish you had it as well? I think we all feel this to some degree, or at least we’ve been jealous before. We live in a world that’s often flashing all kinds of things in front of us. Every commercial is trying to tell you what…

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